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Diode Laser with 980nm Wavelength for Tooth Whitening
Diode Laser with 980nm Wavelength for Tooth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a procedure designed to brighten your teeth. It is also known as laser tooth bleaching. In this process, apply the bleached gel to your teeth, and then shine the laser on your teeth to heat the gel, thereby activating its whitening properties and changing the staining molecules on the teeth.

Laser Therapy for Peri-Implantitis
Laser Therapy for Peri-Implantitis

Laser Therapy for Peri-implantitis The World Consensus Conference divided periimplant diseases into the following four categories: 1. Health around the implant. 2. Perimplplanimplant mucositis. 3. Peric implantitis. 4. Soft and hard tissue defects around the implant. The latter three categories belong to the broad category of peri-implantitis. And some studies have reported that the incidence of peri-implantitis is as high as 28.5%. Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory disease occurring in

Laser Therapy and Its Potential Application in Veterinary Practice- A Review
Laser Therapy and Its Potential Application in Veterinary Practice- A Review

The term LASER stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser therapy is a medical treatment that uses a strong beam of light to cut, burn, or destroy tissue.

Effects of High Intensity Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Tendon and Ligament Injuries in Performa
Effects of High Intensity Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Tendon and Ligament Injuries in Performa

HILT promoted analgesic and anti-oedema effects, with visual lameness reduction in horses with tendon and ligament injuries, and reduced lesion percentage but did not influence change in lesion echogenicity.