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LunMed Therapy Laser Treatment of Ankle Sprain

LunMed Therapy Laser Treatment of Ankle Sprain

2023-05-26   1530

Sprained ankle is the sports injury with the highest incidence rate, accounting for 10% to 30% of all sports injuries. The incidence of acute ankle sprain among high school students and college students participating in sports accounts for 15% of sports injuries!

About 70% of acute and occasional ankle sprains may develop into chronic ankle instability. Therefore, people with a history of acute sprains have a 3.5 times higher risk of re-sprains than usual. Among all patients with ankle sprains, 12% to 47% have a history of sprains.

The case brought to you by the gold laser this time is the effect of high-energy laser on ankle swelling, pain and limited mobility.


Patient condition

Name: Fuli

Age: 59

Gender: Female

Chief Complaint: Right ankle swelling and pain with limited mobility


Medical history summary

The patient accidentally fell while cleaning the living room at home two days ago, and the right limb landed on the ground first, causing swelling and pain in the right ankle joint, obvious pain on the dorsal side of the ankle, accompanied by limited mobility. There was a history of trauma to the right ankle a year ago and had surgery.


Symptoms and signs:

The movement of the right ankle joint was limited, and the varus could not be completed due to pain, ranging from 0 to 8 degrees. VAS score 7 points, verbal pain (VRS-5) 3 points, severe pain



Built-in regimens of once-daily irradiation; continuous and pulsed modes; a total of 1 week of treatment.


Treatment result

The swelling of the patient's right ankle joint was significantly relieved, and the limitation of movement of the right ankle joint was improved, with 0-20 degrees of varus and 0-15 degrees of valgus. Pain improved, verbal pain (VRS-5): 1 point, slight pain, VAS score 2 points.
