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What is laminitis?

What is laminitis?

2024-01-09   583

Laminitis is a condition characterized by weakness and inflammation of the laminae, the tissues that connect the hoof wall to the coffin bone. This occurs due to interrupted blood flow, leading to structural tearing that supports the coffin bone. The condition typically affects the front feet of horses and can be attributed to various physiological and metabolic issues, including:


Excessive intake of grains or grass

Elevated insulin levels

Enlargement of the pituitary intermediate lobe

Impact from riding on hard surfaces

Pressure from long-distance travel

Traditional methods for treating laminitis can be both expensive and time-consuming, with no guarantee of complete recovery. These methods include altering the horse's diet, providing better hoof care, and moving the horse to enclosures with deep bedding or sand-covered ground. In severe cases, surgical procedures involving tendon release may be necessary to prevent the sinking of the coffin bone, but this comes with an increased risk of infection or damage to surrounding structures.


To address this challenge, the veterinary field has adopted high power laser therapy, originally used in human treatments for joint pain, swelling, soreness, and wounds. This approach has now been extended to horses suffering from laminitis. Studies indicate that the photon energy in lasers can stimulate blood vessels in the horse's foot, promoting broader blood circulation, enhancing tissue nutrition levels, and ultimately accelerating the healing process. In comparison to traditional methods, laser therapy offers the advantage of being non-invasive, significantly reducing the risk of infection or damage to the surrounding area.