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Advantages of Laser Treatment of Periodontal Disease

Advantages of Laser Treatment of Periodontal Disease

2022-08-18   1465

Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease involving four periodontal supporting tissues (gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and cementum), often causing inflammatory destruction of periodontal supporting tissues. Periodontitis is mainly divided into chronic periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, periodontitis reflecting systemic diseases, and necrotizing periodontal disease. The symptoms of periodontitis are not obvious in the early stage, and patients often only have provocative gingival bleeding or bad breath, which is similar to the symptoms of gingivitis. On examination, the gingival margin, papilla, and attached gingiva are swollen, the periodontal is dark red or dark red, and it bleeds easily on probing. With the further spread of inflammation, clinical symptoms such as periodontal pocket formation, periodontal discharge, tooth loosening and tooth loss appear.

The goals of periodontal disease treatment are to remove the cause and eliminate inflammation, restore the physiological shape of soft tissue and bone, restore function and maintain long-term efficacy, promote regeneration of periodontal tissue, and meet aesthetic needs. Periodontal surgery is also required for some patients with severe periodontitis, gingival tumor, gingival hyperplasia, and crown extension. A large number of studies have proved that compared with traditional periodontal surgery, laser treatment has the following advantages:

Small side effects, light tissue damage

High patient comfort.

Less pain and less bleeding during surgery.

Short recovery period after surgery.

Some operations only require surface anesthesia.

The treatment process is easy and greatly reduces the psychological and physical pain of the patient

High treatment efficiency can reduce the frequency of treatment.