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What Is Laser Therapy For Cats And How Does It Work?

What Is Laser Therapy For Cats And How Does It Work?

2022-09-02   1871

Medicine and technology are constantly advancing, and veterinary laser therapy provides a noninvasive, painless, surgical, and drug-free treatment for a variety of diseases, and can be used in combination with existing treatments. Laser treatment in cats uses deep penetration of light to promote a range of chemical reactions called photobiological stimulation. This process helps relieve pain by releasing endorphins and stimulate accelerated healing of injured cells.


Laser therapy, also known as low intensity laser or class IV laser therapy. Each of these terms refers to the same therapy, using the same device to stimulate cell regeneration and increase blood circulation. Laser therapy is an excellent way to provide your cat with pain relief. Laser therapy reduces inflammation by "vascular dilation" (vascular expansion), while activating the lymphatic drainage system to expel the swollen area and thus reduce the pain. The result is reduced swelling, which reducing the pain. The asers also stimulates nerve cells, prevent pain signals from passing to the brain, thereby reducing nerve sensitivity. Because inflammation, swelling are less disrupted, and brain pain signals, cats lose pain. Laser treatment of cats can also stimulate the production of high levels of natural endorphins, which can further offset cat pain.


Although improvements are often seen after the first visit, the condition of the cat affects the frequency and time of requiring laser treatment. The length and frequency of treatment varied by condition. The length of treatment varies, but most treatments take 3 to 8 minutes.