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Laser Therapy and Its Potential Application in Veterinary Practice- A Review

Laser Therapy and Its Potential Application in Veterinary Practice- A Review

2022-07-14   2067

The term LASER stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser therapy is a medical treatment that uses a strong beam of light to cut, burn, or destroy tissue. It is a recent advancement in the field of science which is non-invasive, non-toxic, and non-pollutant that is used to treat and manage multiple disease conditions worldwide both in human and veterinary medicine. Mechanisms of action have been studied and identified for the reduction of pain and inflammation, as well as the healing of tissue. Laser therapy uses light energy at a different wavelength and power density to treat various clinical diseases such as musculoskeletal pain, osteoarthritis, joint pain, and inflammation, neuropathic pain, otitis, dermatitis, chronic, or non-healing wounds and decubital ulcers. Even though laser medicine has several therapeutic advantages, it is the most underutilized treatment modalities in veterinary medicine. Recently, there are different clinical trials on the uses of therapeutic laser in animal and this is promising for its future application in the field of veterinary medicine. All necessary safety considerations and precautions when applying laser treatment protocols. Thus, this is to present the laser systems and its possible application in the field of veterinary practice.