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Diode Laser with 980nm Wavelength for Tooth Whitening

Diode Laser with 980nm Wavelength for Tooth Whitening

2022-07-28   2329


Laser teeth whitening is a procedure designed to brighten your teeth. It is also known as laser tooth bleaching. In this process, apply the bleached gel to your teeth, and then shine the laser on your teeth to heat the gel, thereby activating its whitening properties and changing the staining molecules on the teeth. The goal of laser teeth whitening is to reduce discoloration and make your teeth look whiter.

Discoloration can be caused by the consumption of certain foods and drinks (such as coffee and tea), the use of certain drugs (such as antihistamines and chemotherapy), smoking tobacco, and even aging teeth and oral injuries.

How is the effect of laser tooth whitening?

Laser tooth whitening is performed in the dentist clinic and the bleaching process takes 30 to 60 minutes. Specific steps may vary depending on the individual needs. The following are the typical treatments:

1. Dentist will put a rubber or plastic prop in your mouth to help keep it open.

2. Next, they will let you wear protective glasses to protect your eyes.

3. They will also increase the gum barrier to protect your gums. The barrier layer can be a light-cured resin material.

4. Your dentist will apply bleaching gel on your front teeth.

5. A few minutes later, your dentist will direct your laser to your teeth.

6. Laser heating of the bleaching gel to activate its whitening properties.

7. Dentist will remove the gum barrier and rinse off the bleaching gel.

What are the merits of laser tooth whitening?

1. Producduce faster results than home treatment.

2. The effect lasts for up to three years.

3. The whole whitening process is painless.

Contraindications to laser teeth whitening:

These conditions are not suitable for laser tooth whitening: undergoing orthodontic treatment, having tetracycline stains on your teeth, suffering from oral-facial tumors, dental deformations or oral damage, taking analgesics, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic medications, dentin exposure or weak enamel, and laser tooth bleaching is not suitable for dentures or crowns. If the patient has any of the above conditions, the procedure may not be applicable.